Dorene MacVey

Coaching Can Help you Get Unstuck SIZED

04 May: Kim’s Story: Feeling Stuck

In honor of INTERNATIONAL COACHING WEEK, every day this week I will be sharing real stories of situations where coaching has made a big impact.   Kim’s Story  Kim was a successful leader in a growth-oriented company.  She had been in her role for several years, and had been promoted and gained more responsibility over time. Even though she had…

Wonder woman spark

13 Apr: COVID-19 and Working Mother Warrior

It was hard enough before to be a working mom…balancing professional and personal responsibilities, giving our all at work AND at home.  But in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, children are home from school and daycare, we’re working from home alongside our spouses and stress about our family’s and our nation’s health is at an all-time high.  Overnight, we’ve…


08 Apr: COVID-19: The War with Guilt

It’s more than a fight against COVID-19   …’s a fight against GUILT   Guilt that I’m not doing enough Guilt that I should be more productive Guilt that I am not doing as well as others   And the mom guilt?   ….let’s add school teacher, safety patrol and working from chaos (i.e home) to your job description.  It…


06 Apr: Practicing Gratitude with our Families during Covid-19

At ithrive31 one of our core values is gratitude. We use it as a verb – which means we take action and engage in practices of gratitude.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical now more than ever to be intentional with our thoughts and help our families connect with gratitude.  Here are a few ways families can practice gratitude…


24 Mar: 5 Leadership Lessons in the Time of The Coronavirus

    This is a real opportunity for leadership.  The way you lead through crisis matters a lot. Emotional Intelligent leaders are needed — connect more, care more, praise over punishment. Work-Life Integration has never been more important.   Help people navigate using flexibility, patience and accountability. People will remember this moment of your leadership journey. What will they say about…

07 Dec: How to Be a Dream-Chasing Realist: Putting it All Together…31 Days at a Time

Welcome to the last post in the How to Be a Dream-Chasing Realist blog series! Over the past few months, we’ve explored actionable ways to pursue your dream job or make another major life transition, all while honoring your daily obligations and responsibilities. We’ve explored important steps along this journey including Getting Your Financial House in Order, Making Time for…


01 Nov: How to Be a Dream-Chasing Realist: Investing in YOU so You Can Invest in Your Dream

There’s an old saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. While most of us acknowledge the truth at the heart of this, many of us are guilty of putting ourselves last and forgetting the importance of self-care. On the entrepreneurial path, it’s especially easy to focus all of our efforts on moving our business forward, at any cost. In…


04 Oct: How to Be a Dream-Chasing Realist: Consider a Side Hustle While Keeping Your Day Job

Welcome back to the How to Be a Dream-Chasing Realist blog series. So far we’ve explored several actionable steps to help you pursue your dream or make a major life transition. If your dream involves a professional change, you may want to consider a side business or “side hustle” to supplement your 9 to 5 job. According to LinkedIn, the…


17 Sep: How to Be a Dream-Chasing Realist: Broadening Your Knowledge, Skills and Network

Thanks for continuing to follow along with ithrive31’s How to Be a Dream-Chasing Realist blog series, which provides actionable steps for turning your dream career into a reality. So far, we’ve talked about the importance of Getting Your Financial House in Order and Making Time for Self-Reflection. Next, we’ll discuss the importance of building your skillset in this new area….