Dorene MacVey

True Self Care - Main

21 Oct: True Self-Care: Nurturing Yourself from the Inside Out

Self-care is often sold to us as something external: a bubble bath, a massage, or perhaps a pedicure. While these indulgences can bring temporary relief, true self-care digs much deeper than the surface. It’s about caring for yourself from the inside out, addressing your thoughts, boundaries, and overall well-being. At ithrive31, we believe in the power of intentional self-care based…

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18 Sep: Navigating Workplace Stress: A Personal Guide to Finding Balance and Well-being

As a professional coach, I often help people through the personal challenges of their work situations. These challenges can be emotionally charged, which is natural when something important to us isn’t going well. One client shared that she drove home from work crying daily and would get physically ill on Sunday evenings, knowing she had to face work on Monday….


26 Aug: The Importance of Strong Communication Practices: In Workplaces and Homes

At ithrive31, we believe that strong relationships are the cornerstone of success. Our business thrives on relationships, but effective communication lies at the heart of these connections. Trusting relationships are built on strong communication practices in professional settings and at home. Why Communication Matters Organizations that invest in improving communication skills see significant returns. Research shows a direct link between effective…

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21 Aug: The Stories We Tell Ourselves: How to Rewrite Your Internal Narrative

In recent years, the significance of storytelling in communication has been increasingly recognized. Courses, books, and expert mentors abound, all focused on helping individuals refine their personal narratives. We acknowledge the power of storytelling when it comes to communicating with others, yet often neglect the most crucial stories of all—the ones we tell ourselves. Recently, I had a conversation with…

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24 Jul: Navigating Professional Disagreements: Four Steps for Positive Resolution

In today’s society, disagreements are increasingly common, extending into the workplace where differing approaches, styles, or opinions are to be expected. How we handle these disagreements significantly impacts our well-being and influences those around us, including coworkers and children. The other day, a client and I were having a conversation about her boss, who was taking credit for a project…

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17 Jul: Leaders: Asking Questions Can Create a Big Impact

I’ve spent many years in leadership roles and now work as a coach. There’s one fundamental shift that leaders can make to drive significant returns. This skill requires intentional effort and doesn’t come naturally to most leaders. This is the art of Asking Questions Why this is important: By asking questions, leaders can help others grow and build capabilities. Organizations…

Team Dynamics@2x

08 Jul: Improving Team Dynamics: The Role of Bonding in Team Success

Did you know that 86% of employees and executives cite a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication as the primary cause of workplace failures? This fact underscores the critical role that team dynamics play in achieving success. When team members connect on a personal level, communication flows more freely, trust is established, and collaboration becomes second nature. In this month’s…

31 Micro Actions That Bring Good Energy to the Workplace

02 Jun: 31 Micro Actions That Bring Good Energy to the Workplace

Good energy is the cornerstone of a thriving workplace community. It can foster a culture of positivity, collaboration, and mutual support among team members. When individuals bring enthusiasm and kindness to their work, it creates a ripple effect that uplifts the entire team. Good energy also cultivates an environment where people feel valued, respected, and encouraged to bring their authentic…

5 Ways Smiling Brings Good Energy

01 May: 5 Ways Smiling Brings Good Energy

It’s amazing what a smile can do! Smiles are more than just facial expressions; they are the language of happiness that transcends barriers. Laughter and joy have the power to uplift our spirits, improve our well-being, and create connections with those around us. Here are 5 ways a simple smile can bring good energy to your life: Betters Mood: Smiling…