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31 Jul: I Have Confidence

I was having a conversation with a new acquaintance who was recently promoted to a leadership role in the company. While excited, they also expressed feelings of self-doubt, citing a lack of experience in the new position. I shared a few perspectives with her and thought I’d offer them here as well! Potential over perfection Nobody knows it all Stories…

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24 Jul: Navigating Professional Disagreements: Four Steps for Positive Resolution

In today’s society, disagreements are increasingly common, extending into the workplace where differing approaches, styles, or opinions are to be expected. How we handle these disagreements significantly impacts our well-being and influences those around us, including coworkers and children. The other day, a client and I were having a conversation about her boss, who was taking credit for a project…

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17 Jul: Leaders: Asking Questions Can Create a Big Impact

I’ve spent many years in leadership roles and now work as a coach. There’s one fundamental shift that leaders can make to drive significant returns. This skill requires intentional effort and doesn’t come naturally to most leaders. This is the art of Asking Questions Why this is important: By asking questions, leaders can help others grow and build capabilities. Organizations…

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19 Jul: Transforming Thoughts into Action: Empowering Change and Discovering New Paths

Hello, Melissa here! Are you feeling stuck and desiring a change? It is a sentiment that many of us experience at some point in our lives. It’s that unsettling sensation that nudges us to break free from the monotony and explore new horizons. If you find yourself resonating with these emotions, then you’re not alone. For years, I too grappled…

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26 Jun: Well Being through PTO Culture

Myth or Urban Legend? In today’s fast-paced and highly demanding work environment, the concept of work-life balance has become more important than ever. One popular topic that often arises in discussions around employee well-being is the idea of a PTO (Paid Time Off) culture. Some view it as a mythical concept, a mere urban legend whispered among employees seeking respite…

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31 May: See the Opportunity in Transitions: My Lifequake Moment

I remember that day well. It was a Sunday in the spring. My husband and I left church and headed to the grocery store before heading home. In the parking lot, I got the call from my boss. As his business partner, I had been working with him over the past month to reorganize the department, which I was a…

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08 Mar: Build a Coaching Culture for Employee Well-Being, Engagement & Results

With so many of our beliefs and assumptions being challenged over the past two years, the role of coaching in organizations should also be challenged. Traditionally, organizations have invested in coaching practices to support performance and development. But building a coaching culture is the fabric of a healthy, strong, and thriving organization. This goes well beyond managing performance and supporting…