Personal Development

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17 Jul: Leaders: Asking Questions Can Create a Big Impact

I’ve spent many years in leadership roles and now work as a coach. There’s one fundamental shift that leaders can make to drive significant returns. This skill requires intentional effort and doesn’t come naturally to most leaders. This is the art of Asking Questions Why this is important: By asking questions, leaders can help others grow and build capabilities. Organizations…

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02 Jul: Embracing Freedom: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” – Mahatma Gandhi Freedom is a profound concept that transcends the physical boundaries of our world. As a personal development coach, I see freedom not just as the absence of constraints but as the presence of opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and fulfillment. This Independence Day,…

5 Ways Smiling Brings Good Energy

01 May: 5 Ways Smiling Brings Good Energy

It’s amazing what a smile can do! Smiles are more than just facial expressions; they are the language of happiness that transcends barriers. Laughter and joy have the power to uplift our spirits, improve our well-being, and create connections with those around us. Here are 5 ways a simple smile can bring good energy to your life: Betters Mood: Smiling…

Article Feature Image_10 things to remember

25 Oct: 10 Things to Remember as You Wrap up the Year

As you wrap up the year, it’s a great time for reflection and preparation for the year ahead. Here are 10 things to remember as you do so: Reflect on Achievements: Take some time to review your accomplishments and milestones from the past year. Celebrate your successes and learn from your challenges. Set Clear Goals: Establish realistic and meaningful goals…

Article Feature Image_Whole Person Detox

13 Jul: Whole Person Detox

A cleanse is done to help rid the body of substances regarded as toxic or unhealthy. Typically when we think of cleansing we think of our physical body. We cleanse our body of foods like gluten, caffeine, sugar and alcohol. The goal is to feel better and increase our natural energy. What if the substances we need to cleanse are not things…

Article Feature Image_What's on your summer bucketlist

13 Jun: Summer Bucket List Ideas for 2023

Oftentimes summer brings a more relaxed schedule and time to try new things. Here are some ideas for branching out while having some fun this season!   Go on a road trip: Plan a fun road trip with your friends or family to a place you’ve always wanted to visit. It doesn’t have to be far away, either! Some of the…

Q2 Newsletter_Wellbeing in the Workplace

08 Mar: Coaching for Wellbeing in the Workplace

Nowadays, the term “wellbeing” is commonly used, but what does it mean exactly? While there are multiple definitions, they all generally refer to experiencing positive emotions (joy, happiness), being free from negative emotions (worry, stress, anxiety), and having an overall sense of life satisfaction (fulfillment). In the workplace, wellbeing exists when employees can utilize their abilities, manage life’s typical stressors,…

Mary Greeley partnership

03 Oct: Supporting Leader Well-Being Through Coaching

Last year, ithrive31 partnered with Mary Greeley Medical Center to make external coaching available for all their leaders. Through this partnership, we have been able to offer support to leaders in a very personal way. This opportunity sends a message: “We care about your wellbeing.” The message that comes back from leaders who participate is 100% appreciation and a resounding “Thank You, we appreciate you offering this support to us.” It also allows leaders the tools they need to become better coaches for the employees and teammates they work with on a daily basis. We interviewed Mary Greeley Director of Human Resources and Education, Penny Bellville, MS-HRD, SHRM-SCP, CCP, SPHR about her experience working with ithrive31.