Last week, I introduced the “How to Be a Dream Chasing Realist” blog series, in which I’ll break down a list of actionable steps you can take to help move you toward your dream (be it a new job, starting your own business, etc. ) without neglecting your everyday obligations and responsibilities. Step one in this process is getting your…
Dorene MacVey
Feeling Stuck According to a 2017 Gallup Poll, 85% of people strongly dislike their job. And while this staggering statistic should surprise me, sadly, it doesn’t. I often hear from people frustrated with their job. Either they’re burnt out, aren’t feeling challenged, or are just not in the right place professionally. Employees are often under a tremendous amount of pressure…
Author’s Note: Today I pause as ithrive31 turns “ONE”. What a big year this has been. As I stop to reflect, here are my first-year learnings as an entrepreneur. The road for entrepreneurs is really hard; it is often paved with disappointment, self-doubt and rejection (not to mention lack of sleep and often a decrease in income). The mental journey…
Practical suggestions for moving forward. Life is hard…and sometimes it can be overwhelming. The weight of our problems can be heavy. Really heavy. Sometimes even unbearable. It is easy to get down in the dumps. To wallow. To feel self-doubt. It doesn’t matter what circumstances we may be going through, we are wired as human beings to focus on the…
I am fortunate to work in America’s Heartland, where we have a reputation for being nice. Midwesterners are often pegged as hard-working, courteous, helpful and friendly. This makes me proud. And while you’ll find a few “bad apples” wherever you go, for the most part, I agree with this characterization. But what does being “Iowa-nice” mean for leaders and the…
Leadership is a BIG deal. Why? Leaders set the tone and create the “feel” of the workplace. What’s it like to work here? Is this a good place to work? Am I appreciated?” Leaders impact both the bottom line and people’s livelihood. “Is my job safe? Do I have a career here? Does the company care about…
As of today, there are 36 days left in 2017 and that is 36 days to FINISH STRONG. So today think about how you want to finish the year. It is not over yet so don’t turn the page so quickly! Set your FINAL 31-day goals for the year. Make it count. Is there something you wanted to do at…
World Kindness Day is Nov 13, 2017. Here are 10 practical ideas to honor its intent. (Remember, you can use these ideas on other days too). Send a personalized note card to each of your employees letting them know you appreciate them; put in on their desk before they come to work. Spring for a Pumpkin Spiced Latte (or another treat)…
Being a leader can be a hard and sometimes thankless job. Here are some of the reasons why: Expectations come from all fronts: boss’s needs, subordinate’s demands, peer requests and you try not to let any of them down. Problem-solving, putting out fires and unexpected priority shifts consume eight of the 10-12 hour days. Career needs, along with your personal desire…
Does anyone else wrestle with the Halloween bucket of candy sitting on the counter? I decided to label it this year for what it is – TEMPTATION. But here’s the thing, life is filled with temptation and we must find the power to resist it. Here are just a few things that came to mine as I considered what I…