Personal Development

Ensure Accountability

07 May: Cindy’s Story: Living Intentionally for Personal Accountability

In honor of INTERNATIONAL COACHING WEEK, every day this week I will be sharing real stories of situations where coaching has made a big impact.   Cindy’s Story:  Cindy is a rockstar professional businesswoman. She is creative, driven and self-motivated. Like most high performers, Cindy does it all and has multiple irons in the fire. Her challenge was staying on top…

Wonder woman spark

13 Apr: COVID-19 and Working Mother Warrior

It was hard enough before to be a working mom…balancing professional and personal responsibilities, giving our all at work AND at home.  But in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, children are home from school and daycare, we’re working from home alongside our spouses and stress about our family’s and our nation’s health is at an all-time high.  Overnight, we’ve…


08 Apr: COVID-19: The War with Guilt

It’s more than a fight against COVID-19   …’s a fight against GUILT   Guilt that I’m not doing enough Guilt that I should be more productive Guilt that I am not doing as well as others   And the mom guilt?   ….let’s add school teacher, safety patrol and working from chaos (i.e home) to your job description.  It…