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True Self-Care: Nurturing Yourself from the Inside Out

Self-care is often sold to us as something external: a bubble bath, a massage, or perhaps a pedicure.

While these indulgences can bring temporary relief, true self-care digs much deeper than the surface. It’s about caring for yourself from the inside out, addressing your thoughts, boundaries, and overall well-being.

At ithrive31, we believe in the power of intentional self-care based on our three Core principles:

Principle #1: Be Intentional with Your Thoughts

Your mindset shapes your reality. The first step to true self-care is being conscious of the thoughts you allow to occupy your mind. This means cultivating positive thinking, surrounding yourself with uplifting influences, and filling your mental space with content that supports your growth.

Whether it’s listening to inspiring podcasts or spending time with people who encourage you to thrive, the energy you absorb impacts your overall well-being. Being intentional with your thoughts allows you to build mental resilience, boost creativity, and unlock potential.

Principle #2: Be Deliberate with Your Time and Resources, Including Setting Boundaries

Time and energy are two of your most valuable resources. Being deliberate about how you spend them is crucial to maintaining balance and avoiding burnout. Self-care requires setting boundaries—not just with others but also with yourself. Know when to say “no” to things that drain you and “yes” to things that nourish your spirit.

By setting clear boundaries, you protect your energy, prevent others from overstepping, and ensure that your time aligns with your values. Boundaries also help you prioritize self-care without guilt or fear of letting others down.

Principle #3: Be Purposeful in How You Treat Your Body

Your body is your foundation, and it needs the same care and attention as your mind and spirit. Being purposeful in how you treat your body means making choices that fuel your health and vitality. This involves nourishing yourself with healthy foods, engaging in movement that keeps you strong and mobile, and ensuring that you rest and recharge.

Sleep is critical for reenergizing both mind and body, and creating habits around rest is just as important as creating habits around work. When you care for your body with intention, you cultivate a healthy self-image and build a strong, vibrant foundation for all aspects of your life.


Taking these concepts of self-care and making them actionable is what it’s all about.

At ithrive31, we operate with a philosophy of short-term 31-day actions. Consider what you can do over the next 31 days to make progress in areas that will help you the most. Maybe you have an upcoming family event where boundaries will be important. Perhaps you’ve been meaning to sign up for that exercise class at the gym or commit to leaving work on time for the next month. Maybe it’s picking up an inspiring novel, attending a seminar or scheduling a weekend retreat for yourself.

Whatever it is for you, write it down and commit to it. Put it somewhere visible. Grab an accountability partner and ask for help. Turn the concept of self-care into self-care-action. Then, after 31-days are complete, write down the actions you will take for your next 31-days.


In a world that often tells us to focus on fleeting moments of pleasure, ithrive31 encourages a deeper, more meaningful approach to self-care. It’s not just something you do—it’s a reflection of how you choose to live, grow, and thrive.

By practicing intentional thinking, setting boundaries, and treating your body with care, you can experience transformational, lasting results. And remember, this journey is all about progress. Small, consistent steps over the next 31 days can lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life from the inside out.


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