Actions to Jumpstart Your Year
Craft Your Vision Board
Starting 2024 with great energy comes in different forms for all of us and there are many ways to reflect, envision and plan for the coming year. One way to do this is by crafting your own Vision Board. Coach Stacey Walters holds workshops for adults and kids to gain clarity and focus for the year. Do as an individual or group, both can be fun and enlightening!
Engage in Personal Coaching
Sometimes we need a bit of perspective, encouragement, or a personal jumpstart!
Our Coaches are professional, supportive, and focused on your overall wellbeing. Because each human is unique, so is our Coaching. We are here to help you achieve your goals, overcome what holds you back, and step fully into your potential. Reach out at hello@ithrive31.com and let’s get to know each other.
Set Your 31-Day Goals
At ithrive31, we believe in taking action and creating positive momentum. Small steps lead to big results. Using our 31-Day Goal Template document ways you can bring energy to all areas of your life. Start living intentionally by directing your steps toward your goals and dreams! Make your actions specific and meaningful to you, but if you need a little nudge, here are some ideas.
Build Momentum with our Good Energy Challenge
Our Good Energy Challenge includes 31 actions individuals can take to create positivity and bring good habits into their routines. The good news is that you can do these anytime, anywhere. Pick a couple that speak to you or do all 31 as a challenge to incorporate good habits in 2024! Small steps lead to big things.