Article Feature Image_5 ways to energize

10 Oct: 5 Ways to Energize the Team Together

Empowering Change and Discovering New Paths Just being together with some of your closest friends or colleagues can bring about a natural source of energy. But when you need a little something extra to get everyone’s brains and hearts flowing, try some of these tricks. Plan Team-Building Activities Organize fun team-building activities that encourage collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills. Activities…

Article Feature Image_Lauren Foxwell

09 Oct: Lauren Foxwell: Insights and Inspiration

We connected with our newest coach, Lauren, to learn more about what inspired her to join the ithrive31 Collective. Dorene: Could you describe your role at ithrive31?  Lauren: I am a coach at ithrive31, and I specialize in helping mid- to upper-level women in engineering/technology fields who want to have an influence in a male-dominated field. I chose this focus…

Article Feature Image_Transform Thoughts into Actions

19 Jul: Transforming Thoughts into Action: Empowering Change and Discovering New Paths

Hello, Melissa here! Are you feeling stuck and desiring a change? It is a sentiment that many of us experience at some point in our lives. It’s that unsettling sensation that nudges us to break free from the monotony and explore new horizons. If you find yourself resonating with these emotions, then you’re not alone. For years, I too grappled…

Article Feature Image_Whole Person Detox

13 Jul: Whole Person Detox

A cleanse is done to help rid the body of substances regarded as toxic or unhealthy. Typically when we think of cleansing we think of our physical body. We cleanse our body of foods like gluten, caffeine, sugar and alcohol. The goal is to feel better and increase our natural energy. What if the substances we need to cleanse are not things…

ithrive31 Gifts from the Sea Email Header

06 Jul: Powerful Reflection: A gift for you!

Hello and Happy Summer! I have always valued the power of reflection. It helps me tap into my inner wisdom and consider the ways I can show up as the best version of myself. I also believe that if we get quiet and listen, answers to our questions and guidance on our path become clearer. I recently took a vacation…

Article Feature Image_Well Being Through PTO Culture

26 Jun: Well Being through PTO Culture

Myth or Urban Legend? In today’s fast-paced and highly demanding work environment, the concept of work-life balance has become more important than ever. One popular topic that often arises in discussions around employee well-being is the idea of a PTO (Paid Time Off) culture. Some view it as a mythical concept, a mere urban legend whispered among employees seeking respite…

Article Feature Image_Marli Overman

13 Jun: Meet Our Newest ithrive31® Coaching Collective Coach: Marli

Marli Overman from Littleton, Colorado, is a dynamic and adventurous life coach driven by her passion for transformation and growth. She firmly believes in the power of balance across all aspects of life and possesses a keen eye for how our environments influence our well-being and energy. With a certification in decorating and an ongoing pursuit of her Feng Shui…

Article Feature Image_Summer Team Bulding Ideas


Have a little fun with your team this summer! Outdoor Scavenger Hunt: Organize a scavenger hunt that takes your team through a local park or city. Include challenges that require teamwork and problem-solving skills. Pool Party: Host a pool party with games and activities that encourage team bonding, such as pool volleyball, relay races, and a synchronized swimming competition. Nature…

Article Feature Image_What's on your summer bucketlist

13 Jun: Summer Bucket List Ideas for 2023

Oftentimes summer brings a more relaxed schedule and time to try new things. Here are some ideas for branching out while having some fun this season!   Go on a road trip: Plan a fun road trip with your friends or family to a place you’ve always wanted to visit. It doesn’t have to be far away, either! Some of the…