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I would love to be your accountability coach.

I have learned through the years that I do a much better job of completing tasks when I have set up some external accountability.

I want to say that I can do it independently, but sadly, that is not the case. That’s okay. I know I am not alone.

In fact, I have discovered groups of people that work together on Zoom without actually working together.

Let me explain.

We set up a Zoom meeting in someone’s personal room and log in at an agreed-upon time.

Each person declares what they plan to do for the following predetermined amount of time. We usually set up calls for 3 hours.

We do quick 5-minute check-ins every hour to ensure everyone stays on task.

At the end of the call, we conduct a final check-in to see how everyone is doing with their original task list.

One time, my task was to clean my office. I have difficulty concentrating when there is clutter, so I put it off. I put myself on mute, turned on some music, and cleaned my office. By the end of the call, I was clutter-free and ready to continue working.

Why is accountability so important?
Accountability can be a powerful tool in your toolbox. It can help you complete tasks and reach goals. Whether working on personal or professional growth, creating accountability is critical for success.

  1. Accountability provides clarity and focus.
    The first step is setting clear goals. This allows you to create your roadmap for what you want to achieve and when. Clarity will eliminate ambiguity and align your efforts toward a specific outcome. Your focus will be sharper, and it will be easier to avoid distractions. Accountability will keep you on track to achieve your desired result.
  2. Accountability is a commitment to action.
    While setting clear goals is the first step, taking consistent action toward that goal matters. Accountability bridges the gap between intention and action. When you know someone else is watching and you report your progress, you are more likely to follow through. This commitment to action is crucial to overcoming procrastination and staying motivated.
  3. Accountability equates to improved performance.
    Research has shown that you will perform better when you are held accountable. When you know your performance is being evaluated it can drive you to put in the extra effort. Fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability can push you to achieve higher standards. This will lead to improved skills and greater productivity over time.
  4. Accountability leads to enhanced problem-solving.
    When you create accountability, your challenges and setbacks are no longer obstacles or excuses to give up. You are challenged to think creatively about solutions. You confront problems head-on, which leads to innovative ideas and breakthroughs. A problem-solving mindset is crucial for long-term success.
  5. Accountability provides support and encouragement.
    Accountability does not need to be a solo journey. I shared my example of creating accountability with a group. You can involve mentors, peers, or coaches. You can be a positive support and encourager of others. Your partners can provide you with the feedback necessary to keep moving forward. They can help when you are stuck. The biggest benefit of having a partner is that there is someone there to help you celebrate your successes. The community I have built around accountability has provided me with a lot of motivation and support.
  6. Accountability builds integrity and trust.
    The ability to hold yourself accountable shows that you are reliable, responsible, and committed to your goals. This builds integrity, strengthens your self-confidence, and earns the trust and respect of others. Being accountable helps you build a strong reputation both personally and professionally. It also fosters trust and will support your connections.
  7. Accountability leads to long-term success.
    Success is the result of consistent effort over time. Accountability ensures that you maintain momentum toward your goals. Accountability helps you stay the course when you are regularly, reviewing your progress and making adjustments.

Whether it’s used in personal or professional growth, accountability serves as a compass that guides you toward your goals. It will support you in staying focused, taking action, and achieving success. Accountability fosters a culture of responsibility, commitment, and continuous improvement. By embracing accountability, either by yourself or with a partner, you are empowering yourself to reach your full potential.


ithrive31 blends leadership coaching and life coaching—guiding leaders and professionals to unleash their full potential in order to thrive at work and at home. If you enjoy our content, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter here.

Meet our coaches:

Miki Huntington, M.A., CPC Lauren Foxwell, MBA Stacey Walter Dorene MacVey, PCC Marli Overman, PHR, CPC

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