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Don’t waste another minute of summer.

I have spent as much time as I can this summer with family and friends. That was not easy, considering I broke my foot and was wearing a boot for the first six weeks of summer. I am now making the most of the next six weeks.

My daughter is home from college after her freshman year.  I realize I may not get too many more summers with her, so I want to enjoy every moment.  We have spent time traveling, shopping, and eating!

What about your summer plans?  Are you being purposeful to make the most of the summer months?

This is a great time to break free from routines and find new adventures!

How about creating an adventure menu? You can do this solo or with family and friends. You could even say it’s the summer of YOU!

Here are some tips to help you create your end-of-summer adventure menu.

  • What do you like to do?  What are things you have never done but have always wanted to try?  Are there local event calendars that could help give you a starting point?  Do the posts your family and friends share interest you?

Do some brainstorming and research to create a list of ideas.

Your ideas don’t have to involve a lot of travel or take more than a few hours.

  • Determine how much you are willing to spend and set your budget. Splurging once in a while is okay, but I bet many of the activities will be low or free.
  • Create your timeline by organizing your list by day or week.  This should not feel overwhelming.  Look for gaps in your schedule and see what fits your list.
  • It’s important to stay flexible.  Life can be unpredictable, but don’t let that hold you back from being spontaneous.  Adapt your plans if necessary.  Look for other opportunities you had not thought of before.
  • You will want to remember your adventures, so make sure you document them! Use photos, social media, or a journal to hold your memories. Who knows, you might inspire others to join you on your next adventure.

Embrace the season and make some unforgettable memories.  Summer is almost over, so there is no time to waste on setting up your adventure menu!  Have fun!


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