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A Different Kind of Coaching,
A Different Kind of Company

Our unique coaching blends personal and professional—life and leadership—to help you thrive at home and at work. We help you recognize your impact and take responsibility for results. We equip you to take small steps to accomplish big things. Progress. Momentum. Results. Repeat. Learn More >

Human beings are unique, complex, and full of potential. You are not one-dimensional, neither is our coaching. We coach in unique ways that integrate life and work issues.

We help you control what is within your control. You learn to recognize your impact, take responsibility for challenges and successes, and move forward in life and at work.

31 days at a time, progress—not perfection—creates momentum. By looking ahead together, we break down the complex into simple and the overwhelming into manageable.

Unlock Your Potential

ithrive31 is dedicated to a three-phase coaching strategy. Each establishes opportunities and foundations for success. Jumpstart31™ sets goals for maximum impact. Sustaining Impact continues your progress and develops momentum. Accountability Partnering establishes ongoing support.

Our Services

No cookie-cutter coaching here. Your personal ithrive31 coaching services are customized, relevant, and directed toward your desired outcomes.


For goal-driven individuals or those facing professional issues or challenges, our individual coaching sessions:

  • Base custom sessions on your intentions or professional needs
  • Develop realistic action plans
  • Break through obstacles holding you back
  • Provide confidential support
  • Offer an objective, independent perspective

Your Certified Professional Coach customizes coaching to match your needs and progress.

For Individuals in Organizations >
For Personal Clients >


Group coaching is powerful, relevant, not to mention fun. Custom coaching for maximum impact is offered in organizations as well as select personal development coaching packages to:

  • Drive personal and professional results
  • Accelerate learning
  • Share experiences
  • Leverage best practices
  • Promote networking

Group coaching is facilitated by a Certified Professional Coach and is highly customized.

Public & Organizational Group Coaching >


ithrive31 offers small-group series and single sessions for leadership and personal development programs. Sessions include topics focused on leadership and personal development:

  • Well-being
  • Living intentionally
  • Personal development
  • Leadership impact
  • Thriving in the workplace

A Certified Professional Coach moderates and facilitates each session.

Coaching Workshops & Seminars >

Sign up to get great ideas for your personal growth journey, as well as a first look at new coaching sessions.

Reach Out

ithrive31 seeks to help leaders and professionals find success through a balanced approach to life and leadership.