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ithrive31 Coaching on Demand™

We created Coaching on Demand™ to expand Coaching in organizations. Not everyone needs a full-time Coach, but Coaching can be essential to help leaders and team members work through difficult challenges. Staffing shortages, turnover and burnout are real issues across many industries and it is taking its toll on mental wellbeing. We see Human Resource department stretched thin and leaders trying to keep all the balls in the air.

Coaching on Demand™ offers leaders just-in-time Coaching support to pause, see problems through a different lens and get creative with solutions. The types of issues leaders may bring to a coaching session include:

  • Dealing with workplace stress, burnout, overwhelm
  • Finding balance between work and home
  • Identifying ways to be a stronger leader to their team; overcoming team challenges
  • Discussing a workplace issue they are wrestling with, such as having a difficult conversation with their boss, dealing with difficult peers, etc.

In addition to working through individual situations, offering this support sends the right message to leaders: “We care about you and want to help you through challenges”.

How does it work?

Coaching on Demand™ allows organizations to buy blocks of hours with ithrive31 for external coaching for their employees at a reduced rate. When you partner with our team, we work with you to rollout the program to the specific leaders or departments with a kickoff call and explanation of how it works. We then make it easy for your staff to reach out to us directly to easily book appointments when a need for coaching arises.

If you’re interested in partnering to bring Coaching On Demand™ to your organization contact us below.

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